Adventures in El Salvador

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Teaching - Week 4

I'm sure anyone who has taught before fully understands that a teacher's job is never done. I am learning how to survive that reality, as the work follows me home each night and weekend. I thought it wouldn't be too hard to teach my own language - how wrong I was! It has been quite difficult to plan for and teach 29 classes each week, and I spend a lot of time trying to figure out grammar books that don't have teacher's guides. Thank God that rescue may be on the way - administration made the decision this week to seek out another secondary English teacher to share the load. I am praying they find this person very quickly!

To cope with the stress, Amber and I have been running laps around the school field after work, much to the shock of any onlookers - like our students still waiting for their rides. We also escape to the nearby bakery or to our house for a brief swing in the hammock during any break in the schedule we can find.

My 100 some students are all beautiful, intelligent creatures. Each class is like a different family. It is obvious that they are all very close, which makes sense because most of them have been together since preschool. I'm getting to know their personalities, but it is taking a while. Right now I'm just happy to have memorized their names.

Hopefully next time I write, I'll be sharing that I have a new teacher to work with!

God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves. - 1 John 3:20


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