Best Day of Teaching Ever!

It's been 2 weeks since my schedule has been relieved, and I'm definitely feeling the effects! I've had time again to do things like play my guitar, sleep, and go out - without feeling guilty! I feel much, much better!
Have you ever wondered why in the States we celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day, but there's no Kid's Day? Here in El Salvador, there actually is a national holiday called El Día Del Niño (October 1st). Supposedly this is a day when government officials visit orphanages and bring them toys, kids have parties, and parents give gifts to their children. Our students had a half day the Friday before with a contest for the best "kid costume". Most of them came in their pajamas and brought stuffed animals to carry. This has been my favorite day as a teacher so far because it suddenly felt like youth ministry! I loved that my job that day was to simply hang out with the kids. ahh...couldn't it be a party every day?