Adventures in El Salvador

Saturday, May 26, 2007

My 23rd Birthday

This week I turned 23. The day before my birthday, a few of my students surprised me by turning our Bible study into a birthday party - we had so much fun! We played sardines in our house with all the lights out, made goofy videos, they stuffed my face in the cake and then we had a cake eating contest.

That night, my roommates decided to blast music and noisemakers in my face while singing happy birthday, after I'd fallen asleep. I'm not quite sure what they were expecting me to do, all I remember is feeling terrified that I was being attacked and that it might already be the morning! Apparently the only response they received from me were serveral series of grunts and moans...

Then in the morning, I was walking to school when suddenly, I heard footsteps picking up speed behind me and then felt hands grabbing me from behind! I thought I was about to get robbed, or worse, until I turned around and saw that it was only some students trying to scare the living daylights out of me - they had been waiting outside my house with balloons, waiting for me to leave!

At night, a bunch of us went out for dinner at a Mexican restaurant. The Mariachi singer made me dance with him...and for any of you who know my dancing skills...this was a more than awkward moment, but it definitely got me laughing (not to mention the audience).

Yesterday we had an afternoon soccer match between teachers and students - an all school event. It was pretty comical, and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it! I especially loved that the games were taking the place of classes ;)


At 6/12/2007 9:12 PM, Blogger Elise @A Path Made Straight said...

Happy birthday, *you*!

I hope your transition goes well - I know, as you do, that the Lord is watching over your coming and going...


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