Adventures in El Salvador

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Last night's sunset
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Me and 'ber

yea - kayak! I got to navigate the waters with one of my students, Gracia, who hung out with us for the day.

chillin by the side of the road.

I don't know what I was doing - but I'm pretty sure the raccoons were getting some good entertainment, and so was I... Posted by Picasa

Ranchero Estero y Mar - Resort. No photo could really capture the beauty of this place! A day was not enough.
The gator
In shock...after the monkey grabbed my chest.
...if you look closely, you'll see the monkey is having some shock of his own.

Holding la mano del mono Posted by Picasa

3 Days of Futbol

This, I have said, is "something to write home about" - in the high school this past week, 3 days were entirely devoted to soccer intramurals. Supposedly, it is the law in El Salvador that at least 3 school days per year be soley an athletic emphasis. Purpose: to keep obesity rates down.

I personally see no connection between 3 days of athletics and physical health when the other 362 days are spent sitting in desks...after this past week, I think I need to petition for year-round intramurals!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

trying to fly a beast of a kite on the beach

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one of my 10th grade classes
One of my 9th grade classes
The other 10th grade class trying to climb a tree Posted by Picasa

At El Arbol de Dios "The Tree of God"...why they named it that I have no idea...but it's cool, and we see this art museum restaurant every day by our house. We finally decided to eat there.

Outside the San Salvador art museum. Posted by Picasa

It gets cold in the mountains at night here
But the sunsets are worth it...
as well as the friendly faces that might appear on the back of your truck on the way up.
I still like to try new things. Most people, especially in moments like these probably wish I wouldn't. Posted by Picasa

A real coffee plant!!

Some mountain people we met

Being true Salvadoreno passengers...
Finally face to face with the crater of that lovely volcano by our house! Posted by Picasa

Futbol! El Salvador vs. Denmark; El Salvador won :)

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